Brainstorm in Bloom

Where Mommas and Kiddos stay happy one Project at a time!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

“My Time Capsule” and Noon Year’s Eve Party

As this year comes to an end have your kiddos create a time capsule with some of their year’s favorite memories! If you are like me, you have a hard time remembering anything unless it gets written down so  have some fun writing down those memories with your kiddos to look at in future years! You can also include pictures or small mementos!

My friend Kelly created a “My Time Capsule” a couple years ago for a Noon Year’s Eve party so, I recreated a Time Capsule sheet for you to print. I thought that was such a great idea to have the party and countdown at noon since I know my kids aren’t staying up until midnight (actually I rarely make it until midnight). 

Whether you do the Time Capsule with just your kids or have some friends over for a Noon Year’s Eve Party, have fun and enjoy the celebration!

The Stuff (for the Time Capsule):
My Time Capsule Sheet – print here
Toilet paper rolls (or paper towel)
Tissue paper
Stickers or other decorations
Optional – pictures or small mementos

The Fun:
1.Fill out the My Time Capsule Sheet - it now says 2014 (either trace or do a paint handprint).

2. Put the sheet and any other pics or small mementos in the toilet paper roll.

3. Wrap the toilet paper roll with tissue and tie ribbon around the ends.

4. Decorate with stickers (write Don't open until 12/31/__)! 

If you want to have a

Noon Year's Eve Party...

The Stuff (for the Noon Year’s Eve Party):
Time Capsule supplies
Story (a couple of suggestions below)
Noise makers
Balloons (10-20)
Sheet (to hold the balloons)
Food – do a potluck lunch!

The Prep:
1. Have all of the time capsule supplies on a table.
2. Blow up balloons and put them in a sheet.
3. Get a table ready for food.

The Fun:
1.As guests arrive have them start with their time capsule.
2. Read story (suggestions below).
3. Hand out noise makers and get ready for the countdown.
4. Just before noon, have kids sit on floor with noise makers. Have 2 adults hold sheet with balloons above them. Do the countdown to noon (10, 9, 8 etc) and shout Happy Noon Year, blow noise makers and drop the balloons!
5. Have a potluck lunch!

Book Ideas:
Please BRAINSTORM your ideas/suggestions in the COMMENTS below for the “My Time Capsule” and Noon Year’s Eve Party
Happy New Year


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