Brainstorm in Bloom

Where Mommas and Kiddos stay happy one Project at a time!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Fabulous Letter F (Alphabet Wall)

We have done a feather hunt the past few years for Thanksgiving and the kiddos and I think it is a ton of fun. We did the letter F this week since we have been making all sorts of fun feathered turkeys and we had a practice feather hunt before the big Turkey Day of Thanksgiving! We also had fun with fish (a favorite around here)! The fabric fish you must do. They are great for a range of ages and turned out really cool!

For the rest of the Alphabet,
go HERE!

Enjoy this
Fabulous F
for (Seedlings ~ preschool age)...

What we did for the Fabulous Letter F?...

Alphabet Wall:
*Glued Feathers on our F ~ e
asy as it sounds and looks

*Read Fifi Ferret’s Flute (Alpha Tales book) and The EF Book (Bob Book Pre-Reader)
* Read some Feather books ~  Body Coverings Feathers  by Cassie Mayer – we really liked this book,  Feathers Like a Rainbow  by Flora Feathers for Lunch by Lois Ehlert – we ready this for a Feathered Friends playgroup– the illustrations are very cool! 

* Read a few Fish books ~ Fish Wish byBob Barner, Horray for Fish by Lucy Cousins - our inspiration for Fabric Fish below, Fish is Fish by Leo Lioni, Fish by Valerie Bodden

*Feather Painting ~ Kiddos just use the feathery part of a feather to paint with!  

*Finger Paint Names ~ Check out here for what we did!
*Textured Feathers ~ We made these turkeys at a friend’s house and the boys really enjoyed it. You trace around your kiddos hand and then use glue and different textured items (cous cous, barley, rice, beans, etc) to cover each finger for a different feather. The thumb is the head. You can also add an eye, gobbler and beak!

*Feather Potato Head~ Check out the instructions here. Putting the feathers in the holes is great for practicing fine motor control and it looks crazy cute!

*Fabric Fish~ This turned out better than I imagined! First we made the ocean background by me peeling off the top layer of cardboard. They boys then painted this all blue and purple. While this was drying they got to work on their fish! I first cut them out a basic fish shape. I put a heap of fabric scraps on the table. The boys each covered their fish shape with glue and then got sticking different fabrics (it doesn’t matter if it hangs off the edge of the shape – it will be trimmed later).  At the end we glued googly eyes and let everything dry. When it was dry I flipped them over so I could see the fish shape and trimmed the fabric. The boys then glued them to our cardboard ocean background. They made a family of fabric fish – one for everyone in our family!

*Salt Dough Hand Print Fish ~ We made salt dough fish! Mix 1/2 cup flour and 1/4 cup salt. Then add in 1/4 cup water and mix well. Form into ball and then roll flat (like 1/4 inch). Then have kiddos press their hand prints in. Cut around the hand prints with a knife (adult) and poke a hole with a straw. Put on parchment paper on a cookie sheet. Cook at 200 degrees for 2-3 hours (flip half way through). Then paint with acrylic paints. 

*Feather Hunt and Color Sorting – I put out colors of paper that matched the feathers that I had. Then I hid the feathers. The boys then went on a feather hunt and put them on the matching color paper. Easy and fun (and good color practice)!

*Fishing for Letters – I originally made our fishing poles for  our Bob Book games. Hornet used them then for words and Roly Poly is using them now for letters. You just attach a string to a stick or wooden rod and then attach a magnet to the "hook" end. Write letters or words on papers (they don't have to be fish shape) and then add a paper clip. The magnet will stick to the paper clip and they can "catch a fish"!
* Watched a Fish movie ~ Animal Life for Children: All About Fish - this was really good! We got it at our library - see if yours has it!

Letter Formation:
*F w/ paint bag
Music and Movement:
*Fish Song ~ I’m a Little Fishy song  from Explorations blog – an easy and catchy tune!

*French bread and feta cheese ~ The boys liked the bread but sure didn’t like the cheese – it was worth a try though – I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have liked it as a kid either. Other ideas are fudge, French fries, fava beans and fish.
More ideas…

Feather Tip Writing from
Teach Preschool


Feathered Parrots - so cute (any kind of bird would do - you could pick a bird from Feathered Friends by Lois Ehlert to make) from Little Page Turners

Please BRAINSTORM your ideas/suggestions in the COMMENTS below for the Fabulous F!
Happy Teaching!


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