Brainstorm in Bloom

Where Mommas and Kiddos stay happy one Project at a time!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Let's Go Camping! (Bouquet Event)

Camping is a fun family event that many families experience during the summer! This camping event is way easier than the real deal of camping (especially with kids). You don’t even have to go camping for it ~ we had ours at a park.
Here are a few ideas found from Family Fun and Perpetual Preschool for a
Camping Event for
Sprouts and Seedlings (toddler/preschool and elementary age)...
To set up for the event we put up a couple of tents, put some blankets down and had some camping supplies out.

Campfire hats craft from Family Fun

The Stuff
The Prep
The FUN!
(for one hat):
  • Felt:
    *Orange strip(16” long by 5 ½” wide – cut widthwise into flame shapes – see pic)
    *6 Yellow triangles (1 ½” on bottom by 4” tall)
    *Green strip (26” long by 2 ½” wide)
  • Paper bag
  • Small twigs
  • 6-10 mini-marshmallows
  • Glue (hot glue or fabric glue works best, we used Elmer’s glue because there was no electricity and many kids)
  • 2 large paperclips
  • Permanent marker for names
Cut out all felt pieces and put in brown paper bags. *If your campers are older they can do this themselves.

I put twigs, marshmallows and glue in the bags as well.

They will use the brown paper bags later on their nature hunt.
1. Give each camper a paper bag filled with felt, twigs and marshmallows for their Campfire Hats.

2. Campers glue yellow triangles inside orange triangles.

3. Campers push marshmallows on one end of the twigs (popping a couple in their mouth of course).

4. Glue twigs between each triangle flame.

5. Glue green felt on top of the orange felt using quite a bit of glue and covering the twigs.

6. Write names and lay flat to dry ~ this may take a bit.

7. Once it is dry, wrap the hat around the camper’s head and attach paper clips on top and bottom to secure hat.

Fred and Ted Go Camping BOOK
The Stuff
The Prep
The FUN!
  • Fred and Ted Go Camping by Peter Eastman

Check out the book from the library, buy it from your local book store or (my favorite online book store)

Read the book while discussing camping and how Fred and Ted are so different but great friends!


The Stuff
The Prep
The FUN!
(for each window hanging):
  • Empty paper bag from Campfire Hat
  • 2 – 6” by 6” pieces of contact paper
  • 12” piece of thin ribbon
  • Scissors (can share)
  • Hole punch (can share)

Cut out 6 X6 contact paper squares (2/kid)

Cut 12” pieces of ribbon

1. Take the now empty paper bags that once held felt for the campfire hats and go on a nature hunt!

2. Take off on piece of backing for contact paper and add nature pieces for Nature Window Hanging.

3. Take off backing of second contact paper sheet and adhere to first one.

4. Trim any edges with scissors.

5. Punch hole for the ribbon.

6. Lace ribbon through hole and tie a knot.
Hang in the window or a tree when get home!

Campfire and Smores SNACK
Campfire Snack adapted from Perpetual Preschool
The Stuff
The Prep
The FUN!
  • Plates
  • M&M’s
  • Pretzel sticks
  • Red hots
  • Smore’s bags (teddy grahams, chocolate chips, marshmallows)
Put all of the Smore’s supplies in snack bags.

1. For the Campfire Snack, give each camper a plate and M&M’s. They place the M&M’s in a circle for the campfire rocks.

2. Place the pretzel sticks in the circle for the logs.

3. Add the red hots for fire.

4. Once their campfires are built they can eat them!

5. Hand out Smore’s bags for the kids to enjoy as well.

More ideas…


Click on the pictures to follow the links to more campfire snack ideas from Family Fun Magazine! 

Please BRAINSTORM your ideas/suggestions in the COMMENTS below for the Camping Event!
Happy Crafting


  1. Thanks for writing this article. I enjoy the topic too.

  2. Some really excellent info, I look forward to the continuation.

  3. Thank you for providing me with these article examples.


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