Brainstorm in Bloom

Where Mommas and Kiddos stay happy one Project at a time!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Kind Letter K (Alphabet Wall)

Last week we had fun with the letter K! I was freaking out when we were at a local bounce house and Firefly (just turned 3) spotted a K on the wall in the word kaboom and said hey there is a K, “k,k,k” (sound for K). Then Roly Poly (4) walked around the room and counted how many K’s he could find. Since then one of Firefly’s fave activities has been to look through books and find the K’s. We had fun this week playing with keys, making Kool-Aid art and playdough, making kites, and eating fun k-food!  

For the rest of the Alphabet, go HERE!

Enjoy this
Kind K for
(Seedlings ~ preschool age)...

What we did for the Kind Letter K?...
Alphabet Wall:
Keys on a K~
We played with the keys for a bit (see below) and then glued them on our K.
*Read Kangaroo Kazoo  (Alpha Tales book) and The KL Book (Bob Book Pre-Reader)

*Read some kite books ~ Catching the Wind: all about Kites by Gail Gibbons, We Like Kites by Stan Berenstain

*Kool-Aid Art ~ we did this 2 ways.
The first way we did was to add a little bit of water to Kool-Aid in our muffin trays and then paint away (just like water color).
The second way we used Kool-Aid was to put glue on a paper and then sprinkle the Koolaid on top. The boys enjoyed both ways to make art with Kool-Aid and we loved to smell the creations afterward also! We used these to make kites!
Kool-Aid Painting
Kool-Aid on Glue
*Made kites ~ we used our Kool-Aid art for making kites. I didn’t really give them any instruction – just set out string, streamers, hole punch, scissors, stapler and their Kool-Aid art and they got right to work. Older bro was with us for this and it was fun to listen to them talk about their kite creations. It is snowing out now so we will have to fly them another day.
*Key Matching  ~ find some old keys or ask a home improvement store for some mistake keys. Then just trace them on a paper and have your kiddo match the key to the tracing. 
*Kool-Aid Playdough ~ just make playdough (try Imagination Tree's No Cook Recipe) and add Kool-aid instead of food color. Smells so good!
Letter Formation:
*Made a body K ~ fun to do standing or laying down

*Sand K ~ we practiced writing K and k with their Tang tub (sand or salt would work also)

Music and Movement:
*Sang “Let’s Go Fly a Kite” ~ we only sang the second verse. St. Lyrics for the words

* Ate fun K-food ~ the boys came shopping with me for this one and it was so much fun! We ate kale, kumquats, kiwano, kiwi and Special K crackers.

More ideas…
*Make pita sandwiches for Kangaroo pockets
*Play kickball
*Play “keep it off the ground” with a balloon
....what else?

Please BRAINSTORM your ideas/suggestions in the COMMENTS below for the Kind K!
Happy Teaching!


  1. love all the ideas! looks like they had a lot of fun!

    1. Thanks! They did have a great time - my fave was the fun K foods for snack - their fave was the KoolAid painting!


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