Brainstorm in Bloom

Where Mommas and Kiddos stay happy one Project at a time!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Yarn Christmas Tree Cards (Single Stem Post)


I love "free painting" where kiddos can use different tools and just create! We have done ice, worm, sponge, shaving cream, marble, credit card, veggie, bubble, comb, kool-aid, feather, pool noodle, q-tip and many more types of painting! I unfortunately have a problem with saving much of this artwork because it really does look cool. So to try and widdle down some of my piles (yes, I am a piler) we will be using some of this free painting to create new art! Over the next couple weeks I will share what we have done! 

First I will share with you these fun Yarn Christmas Tree Cards. This is a great project because the kiddos artwork is re-purposed and it also is fun to use yarn and practice sewing! They yarn also gives it a nice texture. Oh and my favorite thing about this is it is a nice combo of a kid and adult craft (it takes some teamwork)! 

Enjoy this single stem idea of
Yarn Christmas Tree Cards
for Seedlings ages 2-5!

The Stuff
The FUN!
“Free paintings” (if you don’t have any then create some using the ideas given above)
Hole punch
Plastic needle (or just tape around the end of the yarn)
Tacky glue
Blank cards and envelopes
Heavy book

1. Cut triangles from “free paintings”.

2. On the back of the triangles mark a dot where your kiddo should hole punch.

3. Kiddo punches holes (they may need a little help with this).

4. Cut a piece of yarn and tape it to the back of the triangle.

5. Either use a plastic needle or put a little tape around the end.

6. Teach your kiddo how to sew the yarn through the holes while pulling the yarn all the way through each time.
*I found it best to do one at the same time they were doing one so they could glance over to mine and also so I didn’t take over theirs when they were going through the holes a bit crazy. The crazy turned out pretty cute!

7. When finished sewing, tape the yarn to the back and trim if needed.

8. Put tacky glue all over the back.

9. Put on the front part of a blank card. You can add a star too if you want.

10. Put a heavy book on top until it is dry.

Give these fun homemade Christmas Cards to someone this year!

Now for the Pictures:
Gather the "free painting"

1. Cut triangles from “free paintings”.

2. On the back of the triangles mark a dot
where your kiddo should hole punch.

3. Kiddo punches holes
(they may need a little help with this).

4. Cut a piece of yarn and tape
it to the back of the triangle.
5. Either use a plastic needle or
put a little tape around the end.

6. Teach your kiddo how to sew the yarn
through the holes while pulling the yarn
all the way through each time.

7. When finished sewing, tape the yarn
to the back and trim if needed.

8. Put tacky glue all over the back.

9. Put on the front part of a blank card.
You can add a star too if you want.

10. Put a heavy book on top until it is dry.

Give these fun homemade Christmas Cards
to someone special this year!
Please BRAINSTORM your ideas/suggestions in the COMMENTS below for the Yarn Christmas Tree Cards

Merry Christmas and Happy Card Making


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