Brainstorm in Bloom

Where Mommas and Kiddos stay happy one Project at a time!

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Lights of Christmas (Single Stem Idea)

This project that Hornet (6 yrs old) did turned out great and looks fabulous displayed in our back window! Ever since Hornet and I did the Spooky Silhouette in October from the We Heart Art Blog (you must check this blog out – it has crazy awesome ideas for kids and art) I have been pondering this idea of using a night silhouette and hole punches for the sky and Christmas lights that I just love during this time of year.

Enjoy this single stem idea of
The Lights of Christmas for
Seedlings (elementary age kiddos)...

The Stuff
The FUN!
Blue paper (we cut ours in half lengthwise)
Black marker (we used Sharpie)
Hole punch
White or yellow paper
Markers (you could also use bingo dobbers)
1. Black marker a scene.

2. Hole punch for lights.

3. For some holes you will need to fold the paper and punch the hole in the middle.

4. Put light colored paper below and mark holes. I paper clipped it so it wouldn’t shift.

5. Use marker to color dots on the marks.

6. Glue the back of the top paper.

7. Press the papers together making sure that the marker lines up with the hole punches.

Looks great displayed in a window!

More ideas…

Please BRAINSTORM your ideas/suggestions in the COMMENTS below for The Lights of Christmas!
Happy Crafting

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