Brainstorm in Bloom

Where Mommas and Kiddos stay happy one Project at a time!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

2 x 4 (or 2 x 6) Silly Pumpkins (Single Stem Idea)

Working with wood is my current obsession (although I have a pile of copper and beads that are calling my name as well – not enough time in the day)! I just finished building a custom dining room table for a friend (I will post pics later). I am currently building a boat bookshelf for my mom and will soon be building our bathroom vanity and linen closet! I love wood and building and encourage every woman (and man) out there to at least try one building project – it is so rewarding and much easier than you think! Beats sewing any day in my book! 

Anyhow, this wood project anyone can look at and say yes I can tackle that. It is actually really hard to call a wood project because you are just making one (or 2) cuts and doing a little sanding. The wood isn’t even the focal part of it but it is a fun canvas for the kids (or you) to work on! This is a combo of two ideas (2 x 4 Pumpkins and Silly Pumpkins) that I pinned to my Halloween Pinterest board while thinking of ideas for Hornet’s 1st grade Fall Party. I couldn’t get either idea out of my brain so I put them together and 2 x 4 Silly Pumpkins is what we have!
p.s. I have cut and sanded 25 of these for his class to make so I will be sure to add a pic of their creations after the party! (I knew saving the scraps from building our deck 5 years ago would some day come in handy).

Enjoy this single stem idea of
2 x 4 (or 2 x 6) Silly Pumpkins
The Stuff
The FUN!
2 x 4 scrap (or 2 x 6)
Orange Paint
White and Black paper
Paint brush
Stick (for a stem)
Raffia (yarn or ribbon)

Chop saw
Sander (or sand paper)
Drill (w/bit the size of the stick stem)

1. Cut 2 x 4 (or 2 x 6) to size. Mine ranged from 6” to 12”.

2. Sand the edges.

3. Drill a hole the size of the stick in the top of the 2 x 4 for the stem. You can cut the stick if it is too long (or just break it).  

4. Paint the board orange.

5. Cut out white and black for the silly pumpkin face. Check out the pic below for ideas.

6. Paint glue over the front of the face (not sure if this step is necessary but it helped all of the face pieces lay flat and look nice).

7. Put glue in stem hole and put stem in.

8. Tie raffia around the stem (I did a double knot) and then find a fun spot to display!

Now For the Pictures...
The 2 x4 Pumpkins inspiration
The Silly Face Pumpkins inspiration
Which led to the 2 x 4 Silly Pumpkins!
1. ADULT - Cut 2 x 4 (or 2 x 6) to size. Mine ranged from 6” to 12”.

2. Sand the edges.

3. Drill a hole the size of the stick in the top of the 2 x 4 for the stem.

4. KIDDOS - Paint the board orange.

5. Cut out white and black for the silly pumpkin face.

6. Paint glue over the front of the face
(not sure if this step is necessary but it
helped all of the face pieces lay flat and look nice).

7. Put glue in stem hole and put stem in.
8. Tie raffia around the stem (I did a double knot)
and then find a fun spot to display!

Please BRAINSTORM your ideas/suggestions in the COMMENTS below for the
2 x 4 (or 2 x 6) Silly Pumpkins

Happy Crafting


  1. All your hard work is much appreciated.

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